
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ooo La La

Since school is out and I am not working right now I'm trying to do as many activities around Montreal on a budget. Its not hard to find fun things to do here; actually many activities that Jerry and I have done have been things we just came across. Surprisingly, the activities we have enjoyed the most have been the one's we've done for free. For example, this week we went to the Musee Des Beaux-Arts De Montreal. At least 95% of this museum is accessible for free by the public. The exhibits range from 20th Century paintings to modern three dimensional structures. Below are just a few of my favorite pieces. Enjoy!
(Click on the picture to read more about Chihuly)
The structure above was created by Chihuly, all of his pieces show in the museum were made of colorful glass figures. One word describes his style "stunning!"

Last but not least are my absolutely two favorite pieces. The first one reminds me of a 70's film with Pam Greer and the last one is just creative. Not to mention my hair can be a big mess when I brush it all out, so I guess I can relate with the "half mannequin."


  1. This was awesome...I love museums and I love Dale Chihuly! I take my students to his museum every year at the Bellagio. Thank you for sharing Montreal with us.


    1. Thank you Tara, I too love seeing Chihuly in Las Vegas at the Bellagio. Whenever I go to visit I usually try to see the botanical gardens and conservatory at the Bellagio.
